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I am a mother of four, I have 3 boys and 1 girl. Our 2 younger boys struggle with a speech delay that we are working on. With that being said, things can get a bit chaotic around here and frustration levels rise. Living and learning with these boys and the speech delays has taught me patience and a whole new understanding that people see things in so many different ways. I am a stronger person because of this and feel blessed to have these little angels. I am married to a fabulous man and am living a happy life!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

That's my Bag!

Today I went to my Dad's to gather some coupons that he had collected for me.  I had been out shopping all day and that was my last stop.  I left around Kmart which was just up the street from my Dad's house and while driving to my Dad's I had my purse sitting on my lap.  Normally, I put it on the floor behind the passenger seat, not this time though :(  When I got there I hurry and set my purse on the passenger seat, locked the doors while setting the alarm and ran in to my Dad's house.  About 15 min later (around 3:00 pm) I heard my alarm go off.  I peaked out the window and didn't see anything so I just simply reset the alarm.  About another 15 min later I left, when I got to my car I opened the driver side door to see glass everywhere!  My first reaction was to look at my windshield and see if it was broken and that's when I noticed that the passenger window was shattered and my purse was gone!  I freaked out and ran back into my Dad's screaming "my purse was stolen, my purse was stolen!" My Dad ran out told me to call the police immediately.  Why is this happening, I kept thinking to myself.  The police came and took all my information and of course felt it necessary to let me know how dumb I was to leave my purse on the front seat especially this time of year.  This really could not have happened at a worse time, we are suppose to be leaving first thing in the morning to head to New Mexico.  Now, I have no drivers license and we have a broken window.  Ughhh!  Looks like it is off to the DMV in the morning and the glass shop.  Vinnie immediately called the glass shop and made an appt for first thing in the morning.
After the police left and I regained composure I started driving home and stopped at our insurance agency on the way home.  I filed the claim for the window and had to sit there and listen to our agent tell me how dumb I was to leave my purse....I KNOW!  Once, I got home I just completely broke down.  I felt so completely violated and missed my silly things that were in my purse.  The thieves only got away with about $60 in cash, I was able to cancel all of my cards and freeze my checking accounts.
The next morning I headed to the DMV first thing only to find out that after turning in my application I needed to wait 24 hours before getting a UT driver's license since I currently had and active Alaska license.  *sigh*  Oh well, I guess I won't be doing any of the driving on our road trip. Vinnie took the car in and got the window fixed and we were on the road by 3:00 that afternoon, only 8 hours behind our original plan....
What a pain!  Definitely learned my lesson and what a hard lesson it was to learn!

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