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I am a mother of four, I have 3 boys and 1 girl. Our 2 younger boys struggle with a speech delay that we are working on. With that being said, things can get a bit chaotic around here and frustration levels rise. Living and learning with these boys and the speech delays has taught me patience and a whole new understanding that people see things in so many different ways. I am a stronger person because of this and feel blessed to have these little angels. I am married to a fabulous man and am living a happy life!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Is he really already 4?

I just can't believe that my little Sebastian is already 4.  I know I say this with every birthday that passes by but I just really can't believe how fast the time goes!  Our baby boy is not such a baby anymore!

November is a busy month for us!  We have 3 Birthday's this month, the 10th, 19th, & 28th.  For Sebastian's Birthday we decided to do a small little family party at Chuck E. Cheese.  Of course it was the 6 of us and then Grandma Marci, Nana, and Grandpa Jim.  The kids had such a great time and kept us all on our toes!
Sebastian is very difficult when it comes to eating.  He has his very few "staples" that he ALWAYS eats.  One of them being Cookies & Creme Kellogg's Pop Tarts every morning for breakfast.  I didn't know if he would try his birthday cake because in the past he has not.  I decided to make his cake look like his Pop Tart..
It worked!  He was super excited!
I think we re-lit the candles atleast 5 more times just so they could blow the out again.

Time for some presents...
and then time for some play...
Who does't love Skee Ball?
Sebastian was so proud of himself and kept yelling

Austin enjoyed shooting some hoops..

and then of course he helped Gabe cash in our tickets...

Fun was had by all!
Happy Birthday Sebastian!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the cake idea!!! I am so glad he had a great time and these pictures of him have the most smiles I have ever seen from him!
