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I am a mother of four, I have 3 boys and 1 girl. Our 2 younger boys struggle with a speech delay that we are working on. With that being said, things can get a bit chaotic around here and frustration levels rise. Living and learning with these boys and the speech delays has taught me patience and a whole new understanding that people see things in so many different ways. I am a stronger person because of this and feel blessed to have these little angels. I am married to a fabulous man and am living a happy life!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

You are missing a tooth!!!!

Gabe has lost his first baby tooth!  Is this really possible?  Did this really already happen?  Seems like it just came in not too long ago and now it has fallen out?  Can someone please slow this growing process down just a bit, my kiddos are getting too big!

I was upstairs and heard a frantic voice calling from downstairs, "Honey, do you know Gabe is missing a tooth?"  Again, I will put emphasis on his frantic voice.  I panicked and ran down the stairs to discover my little Gabey was missing his bottom right front tooth.  Normally this is an exciting thing for kids to lose their first tooth.  Poor Gabe, not so much!  He had no idea what was going on.  We didn't even know he had a loose tooth, neither did he I'm sure and if he did that didn't mean a thing to him.  We started searching all over the house looking for this missing tooth and then it hit me!  During the night Gabe was having a rough time, he was screaming hysterically it was really difficult to calm him down.  I had to take him out of his bed, take him downstairs, and hold him in my lap while we watched TV.  He finally fell asleep and let me put him back in his bed.  So while we were looking for his tooth I thought about his rough night and it made me wonder if this is why he was so upset.  I went and searched in his bed and there was his tooth.  I showed him out of excitement and he did not like that one bit!  In fact his gag reflex kicked in.  I had him look in the mirror to see this new milestone and he was not happy with this either.  I quickly had to do a happy song and dance and shouted what a big boy he was!  I did whatever I could to let him know that he was OK and that this was an exciting thing!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Abby is 18 months old....ALREADY!

It amazes me that she is already 18 months old!  This is crazy to me.  When we left Alaska she was only 6 months old, barely rolling over, not sitting, not walking, not talking.  This past year has gone by so incredibly fast!  Not only is Abby walking and has been for several months now but she is running, jumping on the trampoline, climbing up in her swing (on the swing set), talking, picking out her own shoes, and more.  Yes, I said picking out her own shoes.  It is so funny, every morning when I get her dressed I pick out her shoes to match her outfit and without fail nearly everyday she tells me "no" and then picks out a different pair.  It isn't the same pair that she picks each day, she likes all of them, she just seems to know which pair she wants for that particular day.  Once I get her dressed she then requests a bow to be put in her hair.  She loves accessories including her purse for the day.  It is so much fun to have my little girly girl!

We did have a little mishap last month, April 5th was the day...I was feeding Abby her dinner and noticed that her little front tooth is chipped.  Of course, it bothers me more than her.  I don't even know when it happened.  I was really upset about it and posted it on Facebook.  I soon felt better after reading every one's comments that explained this same thing had happened to their little ones and some of them were even able to take them to the dentist and have it filed down a bit.  I am leaving it as it for now and I will decide later if this is something I should do or not.

Her 18 month well baby check up went great!  The doctor said she is right in line developmentally with where she should be.

Weight:  25.8 lbs (about the 65%)
Height:  33 inches (about the 80%)
She is TALL!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Fun times at the Park!

I am so excited about the parks here in Utah!  The parks in Alaska just don't seem to measure up to the parks that I grew up with here in Utah.  One of my favorites is Sugarhouse Park.  The kids seem to love it to.  While my friend Billie was in town visiting we took the little ones to the park to play.
Abby was a little weary of the tunnels at first but quickly turned to LOVE them!

One of Gabe's favorite things to do....

They are just all over the place and have so much fun climbing and exploring!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Ladybug Tattoo!

I have been wanting a little Ladybug tattoo ever since I decided the theme for Abby's nursery was ladybugs.  When I was pregnant with Abby I absolutely fell in love with ladybugs and every time I would see them I would think of my little baby girl that I was finally going to have. 
I had a friend in town that was getting a tiny heart tattoo done by my hubby, of course!  While we were at the shop Vinnie suggested that we do my tattoo too.  I told him that I didn't want an "insecty" looking bug on my foot but I also didn't want a "cartoony" looking bug.  We googled some pictures and weren't finding anything that was jumping out at me.  He simply drew a little ladybug and it was perfect!  The shop was closed so we had our little kiddos there with us.  Abby sat on my lap for the first part and then chose to run around instead.  I LOVE my new tattoo, it makes me smile every time I look at my foot  :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Utah Hogle Zoo

The weather has not been so great this April spring.  It has been cold and wet.  We finally got a break and it was a nice sunny day, still a little chill in the air but not too bad as long as you stayed in the sun.  Since it was such a nice day we decided to head to the Zoo.  We have always put the boys in our double jogger stroller and Abby in her own.  We decided to brave it and have the boys walk, they did pretty well.  Sebastian was being a bit of a pill and of course wanted to do his own thing like most 3 year olds.  Their favorite part of the zoo are the rides, the train and the carousel.

Sebastian looks like he is in Heaven!

They could have ridden this thing all day long if they had it their way.  I believe we went on it 4 times in a row.  Austin felt a little silly since he is 12 and all *smirk*.  I had to point out to him that little kids, big kids, and adults were all riding.  After the 2nd time he seemed to ease up a bit, just a bit though.

After we walked through the Gorilla building, Gabe stumbled across this statue and had a great time playing there for a little while.  Soon after, Sebastian was right there with him.
Sebastian also found great interest in the baby ducks that were laying by the pond.
They weren't quite as interested in the giraffes as I thought they would have, oh well!
But, they did take a bit more interest in the Tiger that was laying so close to the fence.

We did buy season passes to the Zoo so I am sure with our frequent visits there they may take interest at some point.  One can hope anyway  :)