Merry Christmas to All!
We had another great Christmas this year except for poor Vinnie came down with some sort of flu bug and ended up in bed by 3:00 pm and slept til 11:00 am the next morning. Not a fun way to spend your Christmas.
On Christmas Eve we went to my grandma Mimi's house to wish her a Happy 82nd birthday and a very Merry Christmas. After that we went over to my Uncle Scott's house and had a family party there. It was so much fun to be back home in Utah and to be able to spend the Holiday with so much family. We had a nice dinner, my Aunt Ingrid made her traditional Sweedish dinner and of course we also had our traditional food (Ham, potatoes, rolls....). After dinner Vinnie read the story of Mary, Joseph, & baby Jesus from the book of Luke while the little ones played with a nativity set.
After that we did a fun White Elephant gift exchange. That was good great for a few laughs! Unfortunately I missed pictures on several people opening up their gifts but here are a few..
I will throw in this picture too, this is from one of our gifts that we took to the exchange..
It was such a fun Christmas Eve! We got home about 8:30 and the little kids were certainly tired and ready for bed. My Mom spent the night so she could be here to watch the kids in the morning. We sent Austin to bed around 11:00 and then we finished up what we needed to do and finally made it to bed around 2:00 am. The kids woke up Christmas morning around 7:30. They were so excited to see all the presents and everything that Santa had left out for them.
Austin was in absolute shock because he finally got a LAPTOP, he has been asking for one for years... Gabe and Sebastian were excited about their new PLASMA CARS, and Abby was excited about her new little KITCHEN, and her CROC PURSE that was in her stocking.
This year ALL of the presents were opened on Christmas day. The last couple of years both Gabe and Sebastian has presents under the tree for several days after Christmas. I think it was a bit overwhelming for them, but NOT this year. They had a great time and stayed busy all day long playing with their new toys. Austin escaped down to his game room and played his new video games and with his new laptop. Abby took a nice nap after all the commotion, I fell asleep on the couch, my Mom snoozed a little bit, Vinnie kept trying to snooze but Sebastian thought he was trying to play with him. After all of our little naps, the bug HIT Vinnie and hit him hard and off to bed he went for the night. He didn't even get to have Christmas dinner with us. :(
Another GREAT Christmas in the books for the Almanza Family!
(Except for Vinnie getting sick of course)