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I am a mother of four, I have 3 boys and 1 girl. Our 2 younger boys struggle with a speech delay that we are working on. With that being said, things can get a bit chaotic around here and frustration levels rise. Living and learning with these boys and the speech delays has taught me patience and a whole new understanding that people see things in so many different ways. I am a stronger person because of this and feel blessed to have these little angels. I am married to a fabulous man and am living a happy life!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

You are missing a tooth!!!!

Gabe has lost his first baby tooth!  Is this really possible?  Did this really already happen?  Seems like it just came in not too long ago and now it has fallen out?  Can someone please slow this growing process down just a bit, my kiddos are getting too big!

I was upstairs and heard a frantic voice calling from downstairs, "Honey, do you know Gabe is missing a tooth?"  Again, I will put emphasis on his frantic voice.  I panicked and ran down the stairs to discover my little Gabey was missing his bottom right front tooth.  Normally this is an exciting thing for kids to lose their first tooth.  Poor Gabe, not so much!  He had no idea what was going on.  We didn't even know he had a loose tooth, neither did he I'm sure and if he did that didn't mean a thing to him.  We started searching all over the house looking for this missing tooth and then it hit me!  During the night Gabe was having a rough time, he was screaming hysterically it was really difficult to calm him down.  I had to take him out of his bed, take him downstairs, and hold him in my lap while we watched TV.  He finally fell asleep and let me put him back in his bed.  So while we were looking for his tooth I thought about his rough night and it made me wonder if this is why he was so upset.  I went and searched in his bed and there was his tooth.  I showed him out of excitement and he did not like that one bit!  In fact his gag reflex kicked in.  I had him look in the mirror to see this new milestone and he was not happy with this either.  I quickly had to do a happy song and dance and shouted what a big boy he was!  I did whatever I could to let him know that he was OK and that this was an exciting thing!

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