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I am a mother of four, I have 3 boys and 1 girl. Our 2 younger boys struggle with a speech delay that we are working on. With that being said, things can get a bit chaotic around here and frustration levels rise. Living and learning with these boys and the speech delays has taught me patience and a whole new understanding that people see things in so many different ways. I am a stronger person because of this and feel blessed to have these little angels. I am married to a fabulous man and am living a happy life!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sebastian takes an interest in T-ball

Daddy went to Toys R Us and got both Sebastian and Gabe their own little T-Ball set.  Sebastian took an interest imediately, Gabe later joined the fun but was more interested in taking over which ever T-ball set that Sebastian was using.  I think that he was so interested because his favorite movie is called "Everyone's Hero".  It is a really cute animated movie about Babe Ruth and his bat.  Sebastian watches this movie atleast once a day.
 Austin had fun helping him hit the ball.  For some silly reason Sebastian walked up and put the tip of his nose on the ball as if we had just told him to keep his eye on the ball or something.

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