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I am a mother of four, I have 3 boys and 1 girl. Our 2 younger boys struggle with a speech delay that we are working on. With that being said, things can get a bit chaotic around here and frustration levels rise. Living and learning with these boys and the speech delays has taught me patience and a whole new understanding that people see things in so many different ways. I am a stronger person because of this and feel blessed to have these little angels. I am married to a fabulous man and am living a happy life!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Finally HOME!

We made it, we are finally HOME!  We left New Mexico Wednesday night June 23rd, we stayed in Gallop NM for the night.  We were going to stay in Albuequrque but there were NO hotel rooms available, so we had to drive for another hour.  It worked out great because we ended up staying in a HUGE 4 bedroom managers apartment, plenty of room for the kids to run crazy!  We left the next afternoon and headed for Cortez Colorado where we stayed at the Holiday Inn and had the kids room which had a fort in it with 4 bunk beds and their own TV.  The kids loved this room.  We attempted to all go swimming but Gabe wanted nothing to do with getting in the water so Sebastian, Austin, & I played in the pool while Vinnie, Gabe, & Abby watched.  Sebastian is quite the little fish, he was having so much fun!

We left Saturday morning June 26th and headed to Utah, HOME!  When we arrived, we were so excited to take the boys inside to see if they recognized everything and felt at home.  Sure enough, they did!


Grandma came over the next day to see the kiddos.  She always manages to win them over with her ice water.

Austin went to Raging Waters with his cousins on Monday and came home looking like a lobster.  This is what happens when you take a boy out of Alaska and throw him in the desert sun...

Poor kid was miserable!  He just layed around the entire next day.

Here are some pictures of Gabe and Abby enjoying our backyard...

We are all settling in perfectly, so good to be HOME!


  1. Oh.. Poor Austin! Hard lesson to learn! Glad you are all settling in nicely! Yay for being home!

  2. Glad you are home!! I think about you guys all the time!! I need to come over again! Love you all!!
