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I am a mother of four, I have 3 boys and 1 girl. Our 2 younger boys struggle with a speech delay that we are working on. With that being said, things can get a bit chaotic around here and frustration levels rise. Living and learning with these boys and the speech delays has taught me patience and a whole new understanding that people see things in so many different ways. I am a stronger person because of this and feel blessed to have these little angels. I am married to a fabulous man and am living a happy life!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Update on the kiddos....

Let's begin with Austin, poor guy!  The other night he was sitting on the kitchen counter in the corner above a lazy susan cabinet.  He was told to get off of the counter, he turned and got ready to hop off and his foot hit the cabinet and pushed the lazy susan open while he was hopping down and he landed on top of the cabinet door straddling it.  His tailbone is now bruised and he can barely walk.  He is in so much pain, what a great way to spend your spring break, atleast he doesn't have to sit in school all day, now he can just lay around at home while it heals.
Gabe is Gabe!  He cracks me up, he is always learning new things and saying something new all the time.  The other morning I got him up and then he went in Sebastian's room to wake him and but Sebastian got up and left the room immediately, Gabe suddenly yelled "Where are you going? Come back!"  So cute!  He also loves to say "That's so exciting".  He had his 4 year check up the other day.  He weighs 45.6 lbs which  puts him in the 95 percentile for weight.  He is 41 3/4 inches tall which puts him in the 75 percentile for height.  He is a BIG boy!  He had to get 4 shots, 2 in each thigh.  He did pretty well, just screamed while getting the shots and then was fine as soon as they were done.  Doctor says he is a healthy boy and looks good.  He told us not to worry too much just yet about the potty training, stick with it and he will get it.  He said "yes, most kids understand the potty by this age but is it a delay if they don't, no."  Well that was a little bit of relief that it isn't a delay but I still wish he was potty trained.  He's getting closer though, he has gone potty just a few times in the toilet, but now that he is home from school all next week because of spring break maybe (crossing fingers) we can win this battle.
Now Sebastian, that crazy guy!  He is doing well, we have been working on his feeding issues and I am very happy to report that things are going so well!  We cut him off of his cookies a few days ago and I refuse to buy anymore!  He has been eating 3 meals a day and is now asking me for food instead of just cookies.  Every time that he would ask for a cookie I would just offer him something else instead.  Well I think he is figuring this hunger thing out.  He has been enjoying spaghettios for dinner the last couple of nights, still having peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch, and for breakfast he has been eating french toast.  This may sound like little stuff to others but here, these are HUGE milestones.  He actually went to bed last night without a bottle of milk for the 1st time ever, he must have been full.  I am so excited for him!
Abby is just as cute as could be.  She loves to talk and I think she is learning screaming from her brothers.  She can squeal like you wouldn't believe, they are happy screams though which is good.  She is getting so big, so fast!  I want it to slow down just a bit, especially since she is my last baby.
I love being a Mom!


  1. Awwwwww, that was a wonderful update! Like being right there with you and seeing them ourselves!

  2. That's so great that Sebastian is eating more! Poor Austin!!!!!!
